This post does not have anything to do with massage, waxing or getting a facial…but the event seemed worthy enough to share with all of my clients.
Early last week a small turtle came walking up to the front of our Massage & Skincare studio in Bedford, Texas.
I grabbed the opportunity to snap a few photographs. I posted one of the photographs on our Facebook page and began a “caption this” contest. The contest is still running through the end of June 2012. Stop on by our page and add your caption to win a $25 gift certificate. You can also post your caption in the comments section of the blog.
I do not know anything about turtles but I knew he (or she) wouldn’t be safe on Bedford Road. As promised, I made a video to show his afternoon adventure. I sure hope I did the right thing by setting him loose near a local duck pond. Either way, he is sure to have a few extra days than being on the road.
Does anyone know what kind of turtle this is? Ironically, this is the second turtle in a year that I have saved off of Bedford Road.
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